4Th Of July Star Sticker by Jelene

今年的Vogue Festive Calendar很特別,精選來自全球25個知名化妝品牌,每個裝著禮物的小抽屜都搭配了精緻的插畫,打開禮盒時彷彿穿越時空一般,充滿了驚喜!

Experience 24 days of luxury with the Vogue Festive Calendar, including beauty products, accessories, designer collaborations, and exclusive digital content. Don't miss this limited-edition celebration of festive style - order your calendar now!

Christmas Lights Sticker


The Miss Universe pageant has removed age and marital status restrictions, making it possible for women of all ages and stages to take part and shine on the catwalk.


Sticker gif. Illustrated kissy-face lipstick stain pops out at us.

Happy Forest Sticker

ELLE 和 ABC Cooking Studio攜手合作在台北101教室推出耶誕烘焙課程。兩個小時就能親手製作可愛的麋鹿麵包,真是最棒的耶誕禮物!即日起到12月底幾乎每天都有課程,有空去瞧瞧吧!