I Love You Hearts Sticker
ardys dancing Sticker by Radio Disney
Americas Got Talent Rainbow Sticker by Darci Lynne

Welcome to BeautyPuzzle ! Our platform is a place where you can share your life journey, connect with like-minded individuals, and be inspired by the diverse experiences of people from different cultures and backgrounds.

We are excited to invite you to join BeautyPuzzle.biz, a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates happiness in all its forms and connects people around the world.


1.象山步道 (Elephant Mountain Trail)

拍攝台北101煙火的最佳地點,夜景與煙火的完美結合。(The best spot to capture Taipei 101 fireworks with a stunning city night view.)

2.信義區四四南村 (Four Four South Village)

古老建築與摩登的101煙火形成鮮明對比,很適合拍攝人文氛圍的藝術照。(The contrast between the historic architecture and modern Taipei 101 fireworks makes for artistic photos.)

3.大直美麗華摩天輪 (Miramar Ferris Wheel)

摩天輪前景搭配煙火,讓你/妳拍出浪漫唯美的煙火照。(A romantic shot with the Ferris wheel in the foreground and fireworks in the background.)

4.淡水漁人碼頭 (Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf)

淡水風景如畫,夕陽與煙火的完美結合。(A picturesque spot combining sunset, fishing boats, and fireworks.)

5.三重大都會公園 (New Taipei Metropolitan Park)

開闊的空間非常適合團體照,還能遠距離欣賞台北101煙火。(A spacious park ideal for group photos and capturing a panoramic view of Taipei 101 fireworks.)

6. 板橋大遠百週邊 (Mega City in Banqiao)

摩登都會與高空煙火的完美結合,還有新北耶誕城燈光秀當背景。(A blend of urban vibes and fireworks, with Christmasland light shows as a backdrop.)

Youtubecreators Sticker by YouTube

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Global Communications Talk Sticker by IoIC_UK
Working White Cat Sticker by Lord Tofu Animation